Friday, September 5, 2008

A graceful introduction? I think not.

As I glide from the side of the dance floor to my love's arms, the atmosphere is not holding me back, but moving me forward. The floor is not waiting for me to move, but gently tugging me towards this man.

These forces are working for me, this man is coming for me, and I want it so badly, yet... I'm not moving!! The sudden, jolting thought woke me from my trance-like state... and I found my eyes staring directly into those beautiful brown eyes I'd dreamed of for so many nights.

The grace I had worked so hard to gain skittered away at the very moment I needed it, and cherries began to sprout from my cheekbones. As I was swept onto the dance floor, all thoughts of embarrassment were erased from my memory, and the night was an elegant ball. It was better than Cinderella's ball... because at midnight, I remained the princess that I had become.

A true story? Perhaps not.
A wish? In a way. Scrap the embarrassing parts.

My life is far from perfect, and I am far from philosophical. My nights are spent sleeping, not dreaming about brown eyes that are a delicious ooey, gooey, scrumptious smelling chocolate. Don't get me wrong - I'm not afraid of guys. I don't believe they're the plague. That type of dreaming is simply a waste of time.

To get to the point, you may enjoy this blog, and you may hate it. I am officially giving you all the permission you need to form your own opinion.

What is my goal, you may ask?

My goal is simply this: to present questions I have and go about solving them in a logical manner. Who knows - you might have been wondering the same thing!

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